Tabs allow users to alternate between equally important views within the same context. By dividing content into meaningful sections, they improve its organization and make it easy for users to navigate.
Use tabs to let users access different sections within one context quickly and with ease. In the default design, the current tab is highlighted, which makes the interface clear and user-friendly.
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<div>Cursus turpis vestibulum, dui in pharetra vulputate id sed non turpis ultricies fringilla at sed facilisis lacus pellentesque purus nibh</div>
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<div>Fringilla egestas nunc quis tellus diam rhoncus ultricies tristique enim at diam, sem nunc amet, pellentesque id egestas velit sed</div>
Add icons to your tab labels, if you want to use a visual element and make the tab content easier to identify.
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<div>Cursus turpis vestibulum, dui in pharetra vulputate id sed non turpis ultricies fringilla at sed facilisis lacus pellentesque purus nibh</div>
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<div>Fringilla egestas nunc quis tellus diam rhoncus ultricies tristique enim at diam, sem nunc amet, pellentesque id egestas velit sed</div>
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<div>Donec ac vitae diam amet vel leo egestas consequat rhoncus in luctus amet, facilisi sit mauris accumsan nibh habitant senectus</div>
Use tabs without label names to save space and make the tab content easy to recognize for international users.
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<div>Cursus turpis vestibulum, dui in pharetra vulputate id sed non turpis ultricies fringilla at sed facilisis lacus pellentesque purus nibh</div>
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<div>Fringilla egestas nunc quis tellus diam rhoncus ultricies tristique enim at diam, sem nunc amet, pellentesque id egestas velit sed</div>
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<div>Donec ac vitae diam amet vel leo egestas consequat rhoncus in luctus amet, facilisi sit mauris accumsan nibh habitant senectus</div>
Make one or more of your tabs into a dropdown to add more options within one element.
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<div>Cursus turpis vestibulum, dui in pharetra vulputate id sed non turpis ultricies fringilla at sed facilisis lacus pellentesque purus nibh</div>
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<div>Fringilla egestas nunc quis tellus diam rhoncus ultricies tristique enim at diam, sem nunc amet, pellentesque id egestas velit sed</div>
Add the nav-fill
class to make the tabs take up the full space of the parent element.
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<div>Cursus turpis vestibulum, dui in pharetra vulputate id sed non turpis ultricies fringilla at sed facilisis lacus pellentesque purus nibh</div>
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<div>Fringilla egestas nunc quis tellus diam rhoncus ultricies tristique enim at diam, sem nunc amet, pellentesque id egestas velit sed</div>
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<div>Donec ac vitae diam amet vel leo egestas consequat rhoncus in luctus amet, facilisi sit mauris accumsan nibh habitant senectus</div>
Use the nav-tabs-alt
class to make the labels display in capital letters.
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<div>Cursus turpis vestibulum, dui in pharetra vulputate id sed non turpis ultricies fringilla at sed facilisis lacus pellentesque purus nibh</div>
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<div>Fringilla egestas nunc quis tellus diam rhoncus ultricies tristique enim at diam, sem nunc amet, pellentesque id egestas velit sed</div>
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<div>Donec ac vitae diam amet vel leo egestas consequat rhoncus in luctus amet, facilisi sit mauris accumsan nibh habitant senectus</div>